Splainer APP
You’re a super-smart, curious person and love being well-informed. Your phone is buzzing with a stream of app notifications, Whatsapp forwards and tweets. It’s just relentless: the sheer volume of news. It’s incredibly loud… and, dear god, there is so much of it! Why does it have to be noisy and exhausting? It's time to declutter and spark a bit of joy!
We scan and read 100+ trusted global sources so you don’t have to. We make it effortless to really understand what’s going on in the world. You get the big picture, analysis and best reporting on that one big story everyone’s talking about. Catch up on key headlines, and discover a wealth of cool-to-know, funny, smart info, reads and videos from across the globe. All of it served with a generous dose of cheeky humour that makes you lol!
Finally, a news product that values your time, respects your intelligence and preserves your sanity. Brighten up your morning! Download the app and subscribe to splainer!