SpiderCard APP
With its in-app sharing function, you will be able to deliver your card to your customer in various means such as through Chat App, Emails or SMS messages. Contactless but efficient and effective.
On the other hand, the card you deliver digitally is workable in all mobile or desktop platforms that support web browsing. It is also extremely easy to remember your own card after set up your own ID in app. Once registered and setup your card, you will receive a free exclusive URL business card linkage as shown: http://mysc.cc/ (your id).
SPIDERCARD is sustainable and environmental friendly. Studies shows that 80% of paper business cards are thrown away or forgotten after exchange. Most of all, paper business cards are made from trees. Start using virtual business card to stop the waste and protect our only earth.
Introducing our new booking function, now, your card becomes an appointment scheduler that helps you to get business once it is delivered to your potential customers.