This android application provides a tool for users to read data from the XCSpec Self Powered Current Transducer (SPCT) over BLE. The following descriptions the use of this tool.
Discovery Page:
This page scans the BLE devices and show all local SPCTs it can see over the BLE radio. These are listed with their MAC Labels and the Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
Device Selection Page:
The PAIR button allows the mobile device to pair with a particular SPCT and start reading data. You can pair with up to 4 devices at any single time. After you have PAIR, the device is assigned a color – Red Blue Yellow or Green. This color allows you to easily know the devices to select. The Chevron (arrow) in the top right hand corner will take you to the live data pages of the selected devices.
Live Data Page:
This page allows you to see the instantaneous AMPERAGE and the accumulated AMPERAGE on the sub-meter being read from the SPCT for the selected devices.
Along the bottom of the page, the colors are indicated along with the last four digits of the MAC ID. Tabbing through the colors allows you to see data from the paired devices.
Set Up Page:
If you know the voltage and power factor of the unit under test, this can be entered in the set up page. This is selected by hitting SETUP in the upper right corner of the Live Data. Once Set Up data is entered, the Live Data page will now show both AMPERAGE and POWER.
Multiple Turns.
The SPCT reads amperage from 4 – 100 amps. If lower amperage readings are required, putting two windings of the conductor under test through the aperture then lowers the range on the SPCT down to 2-50 amps. Another wrap lowers this to 1-25 AMPS. If you use multiple windings through the SPCT, the Set Up page can be used to input the number of windings. The app will then automatically adjust the readings based on these windings.