Spades Mobile GAME
- Advanced computer players
- Saves the state of the current game
- Option to change winning conditions: i) reach 300 or 500 points, ii) play 4, 8 or 16 hands
- Option to change bags points: -1, 0 or 1 point
- Option to change bags penalty: 0 or -100 points
- Statistics for the games you played
- Intuitive interface
- High resolution graphics that looks great on both tablets and phones
- Nice music and sound effects
- Before each round you place a bid. This bid represents the number of tricks you think you can take in that round.
- If you and your partner take more tricks than the bid, each additional trick counts as a bag. Per default, for each bag you get 1 point. For every 10 bags you collect, per default you get a 100 points penalty.
- If one player bids nil (0 tricks) and doesn't take any trick, he will win 100 points for the team. If he takes one or more tricks, the team will lose 100 points.
- The value of the cards grows in this order: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace.
- Players must follow suit. If you don't have a card of the suit which started the trick, you can place any card.
- Spades are always trump. You can only play a card of spades if you cannot follow suit. Once a card of spades is played it is said that the spades are broken. After this moment you can start a trick by playing a card of spades.
- If the cards in the trick are not spades, the card that follows suit and has the biggest value wins the trick. If cards of spades are played, then the highest card of spades wins the trick.
If you have any technical problems, please email us directly at Please, don’t leave support problems in our comments – we don’t check those regularly and it will take longer to fix any issues that you might encounter. Thank you for your understanding!
Last but not least, a big THANK YOU goes out to everyone who has played Spades Mobile!