Solar +: Solar Coca Cola APP
Welcome to Solar +, we are the official App of Solar Coca-Cola, one of the largest manufacturers of the Coca-Cola System in Brazil and one of the largest consumer goods companies in the country. There are 13 factories that produce more than three billion liters of drink/year, but what we are most proud of is serving the more than 400,000 points of sale that are part of this great partnership and that take advantage of the benefits of Solar +.
In addition to the 13 factories, we have 44 Distribution Centers, in the North, Northeast regions, the state of Mato Grosso and in part of Goiás and Tocantins, covering a territorial area that represents 70% of Brazil.
We are a sustainable company in its activities, where each of the 18 thousand employees believes in building a better world.
What you find here:
• Have access to our portfolio 24 hours a day;
• Navigate Solar + in an easy and intuitive way;
• Place your orders at any time and always have your favorite products stocked;
• Check the status of your orders and have information about bills and payments;
• Always stay up to date with launches and promotions.
Solar+ is much faster with a user experience that makes your day easier. Download the new digital partner for your business right now.