Soil Health Card APP
SHC is a Government of India scheme promoted by the Department of Agriculture & Co-operation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare. It is being implemented through the Department of Agriculture of all the State and Union Territory Governments.
This app is used by Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) and Soil Testing Laboratories (STLs). The app is available in English, Hindi and other Indian regional languages. To collect the soil samples & test the samples, the user needs to get registered in the SHC scheme either as a VLE or STL. For registrations and know more about the SHC scheme, users can visit
The salient features of the SHC sample collection app are:
Soil sample collection using QR code & visiting Farmer's location
Farmer registration & plot survey
Tracking of soil sample status
Conduct Soil tests by using third-party soil-test service providers' app
Soil test results entry by Government laboratories
App available in multiple languages
Submission & tracking of Claims for soil testing service
FAQs and User manual