Soccer scoreboard APKPlacar de futebol APKTablero de marcador de fútbol APKФутбольный табло счета APKแผงคะแนนฟุตบอล APKلوحة نتائج كرة القدم APKFutbol skorbordu APKTabellone segnapunti calcio APKTableau des scores de football APKFodboldpointtavle APK축구 득점판 APKサッカースコアボード APKVoetbalscorebord APKTablica wyników piłkarskich APK足球记分牌 APKFotballresultattavle APKJalkapallo taulukko APKФутболно табло APKFutbolo rezultatų lentelė APKFutbola rezultātu rādītājs APKLabdarúgás eredményjelző tábla APKТабло з рахунком футболу APKFutbalová výsledková tabuľa APKNogometna lestvica rezultatov APKФудбалско резултатирање APKFotbollsscoreboard APKΠοδοσφαιρικός πίνακας APKJalgpalli tabloo APKFotbalové skóre APKTabel de marcaj fotbal APK
Score and track soccer points!
Track and manage football or soccer scores with ease! Customize team names and colors. Record goals, bookings, and substitutions displayed on a timeline. Modify player formations with a tactics board. Enjoy standard scorekeeping features like undo, reset, and new game creation. Access match history and set default configurations. Includes a timer to monitor game duration. Intuitive and user-friendly interface.
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