SnapSelector APP
Opicxo SnapSelector is a three-dimensional support application for your post-production support. We have three simple steps for the whole selection process in an easy, convenient and superfast way.
1. Web Application:
Create and manage Customer Projects from Your Web application link (Upload photos and share photos from here)
Login email -
Password -
Note - Your login email & password for Snapselector would be the same as your opicxo elite login email & password
2. Customer Application: (on play-store)
Your customer can select, share and download their photographs from here and complete the selection process
3. Desktop Application:
(Link is available on
With one simple process, you can separate the original photographs and selected photographs.
This Customer Application will help customers cast the photos to a bigger screen, watch, share, download, screenshot and sort the individual images. You, as a photographer, can also restrict these features from your web application.