The result is a fast and efficient way of dealing with snagging and inspections.
Main Features:
* Location Plotting (visual approach using plans, elevations, photos and PDFs)
* Defect Management (comprehensive suite)
* Site Inspections (Room data sheets, progress monitor, company standards and recurring)
* Professional Reports (email and print services)
* Mobile Document Repository (reference project drawings on phones and tablets)
* Sync to project websites using wifi or 3G
* Multi Lingual versions available in Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese and other languages
* Used by Main contractors, Sub Contractors, CoWs, Consultants – configurable to individual users
* All project data is fully configurable by Project Staff
* Full audit trails showing author and date-time
snagR offers a simple and accessible way of plotting work using visual symbols in exact locations of the construction site. Symbols, descriptions, assignments, photos (with markup), due by dates, signatures and attached documents are used to accurately define the work that has been done or needs to be done.
This plot shows the task reference code, the concerned project members, the task priority and most importantly its location.