Today with the application you can :
- Send text messages in over 220 countries and over 880 phone carriers.
- Choose the sending mode that fits your needs between Expert, Standard, or Response :
* Expert : this mode allows you to customize the sender's ID (display a alphanumeric label instead of a number).
* Standard : this mode sends a text from one of our phone numbers.
* Response: with response mode you are able to receive the answers from your recipients.
- Send text messages of over 160 characters.
- Send messages to all or parts of your contacts (on your phone or on our website).
- Select a date of delivery of your message (either immediately or at a later date).
- See the details of your previous messages:
* Date and time of delivery
* Numbers of the recipients
* Sender ID (only for Expert mode)
* Mode used
* The delivery report of your message (delivered, unknown number, phone unavailable... )
- Get statistics for your past group sendings :
* The statuses of each numbers for a group sending in a graph
Notice : The use of the app SMSBOX requires a user account which can be created at
A lot of new features will come with the next updates