SMS Child Locator APP
The "SMS Child Locator" is a tool designed to help parents know where their children are.
You have the option of location via GPS or by the Network.
How the system uses the mobile SMS messages, the child's cellphone does not need to have data connection which means savings if you have a good plan for SMS messages.
The world is becoming more dangerous?
Find out exactly where your child is and protect him !
- Install the application "SMS Child Locator Server" on child's cellphone;
- For an accurate position the child's cellphone will need to have GPS;
- If the child's cellphone has no GPS the position may be required by the network, in which child's cellphone needs data conection;
- How the position is displayed directly on the map, the parent's cellphone must have some sort of data connection to view the map;
There are two applications, a client and a server.
The client application is installed on the parent's cellphone.
The application server is installed on the child's cellphone.
The client application (parent) automatically sends an SMS message to the child's cellphone requesting his location.
The application server (child) receives the message, get it's position and sends it back through another SMS message to the parent's cellphone.
The parent sees the child's position on the map similar to "Google Maps".
The location of the child can be requested either via GPS as the "Network" alternative in which the cellphone gets its approximate position through of the cellphone antennas position.
The system also incorporates security by password, ensuring that only the parent in possession of the password will be able to access the child's cellphone.
The entire system was designed and tested to make the process dynamic, smart and automatic.
The system uses SMS messages for communication;
At each location request, if the password has already been set, it will be an SMS message of the client (parent) and another SMS message back from the server (child);
If the password has not been set, extra messages are needed.