SMIITY SMart Interactive cITY APP
Or if you are only visiting town, you can have access to the most relevant information about what’s around! Discover news, places, events or other public info in an interactive way.
Have you noticed that many times you pass by places that are full of history and you don't even know?
With SMIITY, you can receive notifications about a monument, a piece of art or some historical information if you are in a place where relevant events occurred thanks to the iBeacon technology. Oh yes, you could also receive a notification to enjoy great food right next to you.
Open SMIITY App and have multimedia elements that can give you more detailed information. Enjoy geolocated content on your surroundings. SMIITY cities: Lisbon, Oporto, Braga, Óbidos, Elvas, Lousã, Sabugal, Aljustrel, Ponte de Sor, among others. We’re increasing the number of subscribers (cities) so you could have better and better experiences.