SmartLobby Visitor Management APP
SmartLobby enables you to modernise your office reception.
SmartLobby not only replaces the traditional paper-based visitor book, it makes the visitor sign-in process much easier and the admin dashboard allows to view the history of all visits.
SmartLobby Visitor Management System offers the following features:
- User sign in and sign out,
- Visitor and Staff badge printing,
- QR code printed on badge for fast sign in and sign out,
- QR Code emailed to visitor
- Staff notification via email, SMS, MS Teams, Slack, ...
- Configurable visitor type i.e visitor, staff, contractor, etc,
- Feedback form and bug report form,
- Roll call in case of emergency,
- Visitor approval of Health & Safety, NDA or any other legal document,
- Custom company logo and branding,
- Support for multiple devices
- Support for multiple locations