About BrainFit®
BrainFit® utilises the latest in neuroscience research and adopts a whole-brain approach in
our brain training philosophy. Our “5+3=8” Power Formula increases brain fitness and
learning abilities.
5: The 5 core brain “pillars” upon which the bricks of knowledge are laid. These 5 brain
pillars determine each student’s learning abilities and school success.
1) Visual processing. Governs success in Math and visual arts.
2) Auditory processing. The foundation for language learning and literacy.
3) Sensory-Motor coordination. Determines learning speed and efficiency.
4) Focus & Memory. Influences attention span, memory and critical thinking.
5) Emotional Regulation. The basis of emotional intelligence, social skills and
3: The 3 proven methods to strengthen the 5 core brain pillars.
1) Physical exercises
2) Mental exercises
3) Emotion coaching
8: The 8 key IQ and EQ benefits that come with having the SMARTEST brain.
1) Speed of Thinking
2) Memory
3) Attention
4) Reasoning
5) Timing & Coordination
6) Emotional Regulation
7) Social Skills
8) Tenacity
Use BrainFit’s “5+3 = 8” power formula to give your child the SMARTEST brain possible!
Try a trial class today. There is nothing to lose and a lifetime of better learning and success
to gain! Contact us at