Smart Gps Track APP
Safe-Zone Marking: User can mark circular areas and manage the safe-zone as per priority and sensitivity. Notifications and message can come on mobile for instant alerts that help in timely update related to person or vehicle. Shown in picture 3.2.
Analytical Graphs: Graphs that show day level stats on a month timeline. Stats can be for total distance covered, run time for which vehicle was moving, idle time for which engine was on but the vehicle didn't move, Average Speed, Maximum Speed etc. Shown in picture 3.3.
Play history video: To view past record of any date that one might need to check after checking the Analytical graphs for further information to drill down the reason of cause and to take further action. Shown in picture 3.4.
Multiple Vehicle on Single Platform: One can manage multiple vehicles on a single mobile or desktop dashboard for management of n number of vehicles. One can even create user accounts to give access to people with limited features to access.