SLT Rainbow Pages APP
Search by Keyword, Search by Category and Search Businesses through the most popular category will provide user, convenient method to find the business information fast & accurate.
Main Features Include:
• Business Search
• Call businesses directly from the App
• Share information with friends via text or email
• Add your favorite business to your contacts
• SLT Rainbow Pages ratings and reviews
Please email feedback and feature requests to
This application is designed for Android Phones and it is also compatible on Android Tablets.
-About Publisher-
This Android application is developed by "hSenid Outsourcing" ( on behalf of SLT Publications (Pvt.) Ltd, popularly known as RAINBOW PAGES is the publisher of the comprehensive National Business Directory – SLT RAINBOW PAGES and holds the unique position of being the foremost Directory publisher in Sri Lanka.
Due to the diversified range of multiple access media, SLT Rainbow Pages has been able to cater to many people belonging to different walks of life. These sources of information make directory information accessible from anyplace at anytime and no doubt pave the way to make life easy and convenient to the public. It has made revolutionary changes in the lifestyle of people, resulting in business communication and decision making breakthroughs