Skyss Billett APP
Four payment methods can be used in the application:
- Mobile account, refilled via VISA/MasterCard or by money transfer.
- Credit card (VISA/MasterCard)
- Phone bill (only single tickets)
- Vipps
Additionally, it is possible to associate multiple users to one mobile account, so that travels are charged to only this account. Refilling the account easiest to do directly in the application with VISA/MasterCard, but it is also possible to use a regular money transfer with a KID-number. NB: The mobile account is not the same account as the account associated with the Skyss-card.
After downloading the app you only have to add your credit cards the first time you use them. Future purchases can be made with the same cards. No card information is stored in the application or on our servers. Our chosen payment provider, Nets, stores your credit card information securely and in compliance to the payment providers’ guidelines.
Skyss Billett allows you to easily and quickly purchase tickets, but we still urge you to buy your tickets before you embark the vehicles. You are responsible for having a valid ticket and enough battery power left on your device to show the ticket to any inspector as long as you are onboard one of our vehicles.
The newest version of the application contains the following new features:
- Brand new design, with a cleaner and more modern look.
- Single tickets for dogs and bikes; 24h tickets for adults, children and seniors.
- 30 days youth ticket is now not personal, like all other season tickets.
- To avoid people purchasing their ticket just before an inspection we have added a 2 minute countdown, before the ticket is activated. You can still enter the vehicle while the ticket is in countdown-mode.
- Shortcut to purchase expired tickets again have been added.