Skate King: Skateboard Stunts GAME
New updates every week(ish)
Thank you to:
tjandrasounds and lostphosphene on freesound
Gradient sky and low poly water on unity asset store
Olli up vert ramps and kickflip over walls. Freestyle and pop huge ollies and roll downhill loop de loops to do gnarly skater stunts. Do skateboard tricks, spins and pop shove it off ledges. This skateboard stunt skate park has vert ramps and grind rails. Coming soon will be combo system, Nollie tricks, air grabs, rail grinds and much more skateboarding tricks...
*Skateboarding Tricks
* Kickflip
* Heelflip
* Pop shove it
* FS Pop shove it
* Ollie Ollie
* 180
* Freestyle skate
* Ollie
* Skateboard stunt
* Skate Park
* Loopdeloop