Si @ llEvA Base: detects data in the stable and consults company performance reports

Latest Version

Oct 25, 2023
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SiallEvA Base APP

SI @ LLEvA is the management software developed by the Italian Breeders Association for cattle, buffaloes and goats whose purpose is to facilitate the collection and management of data collected during the execution of the various daily activities carried out within the farm. It is integrated with Functional Controls and Genetic Evaluations of National Breed Associations. The SI @ LLEvA Base App allows you to quickly register all the information that the farmer observes while he is in the barn staying in contact with the animals, allowing the insertion of data on his mobile device and then using them on SI @ LLEvA Desktop version . The App is in effect an extension of SI @ LLEvA with which it shares the same database.

The farmer can access the list of animals present in the herd or choose to view a series of company prints, enter the heat or report alerts on the animals when he observes them during the inspection in the stable.

The App therefore facilitates the insertion of information to allow the evaluation of the herd and the search for the critical aspects of the company production process which essentially depend on the ability to record the events of the individual heads that compose it and the possibility of displaying the information properly processed. Good data management makes it possible to quickly highlight a problem (possibly the next moment it occurs), quickly monitor improvements (possibly as soon as corrective actions are implemented) and depict company performance in order to easily find those margins improvement that the farmer can transform into an increase in company profitability.

SI @ LLEvA is a program designed for breeders and is therefore structured to facilitate the daily management of breeding through the simplification of bureaucratic requirements (BDN, drug traceability, Law 30) and the facilitation of business management:

- management and veterinary routines

- treatment and protocol planning

- warehouse management (seed bin, management of serial numbers and pharmaceutical cabinet).

SI @ LLEvA becomes a decisive support also for consultants. Provides objective / quantitative information necessary for consulting and facilitates the activities:

- planning of veterinary routines

- control of risk factors for animal health and welfare

- control and analysis of individual and collective productive and reproductive performance

- analysis of the incidence of pathologies

- comparison of company performance with other companies in the system.

The App is an evolving tool and will be constantly updated with further developments in order to expand the number of features (events, prints, graphics, etc.) that can be used, always with the aim of facilitating the breeder to quickly update useful information for the management of your company.
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