Billing ,Counter sale and Monthly Billing App for Regular Service Providers .

Latest Version

Jan 16, 2024

App APKs

Show My Bills APP

The ‘Show My Bills’ (SMB) is a quality product by POSIVIEW Apps. Show My Bills is a counter sale and monthly automated billing app to support, the suppliers or the service providers, who provide services to customers on regular basis (like Milkman, Newspaper Distributor) or on a need basis (like Tiffin / Mess Service Provider, Packaged Water Can Supplier, Laundry Service Provider) for an agreed period (generally a month), to maintain data pertaining to items that they supply or the services they provide to their customers and to automate billing and payment collection based on the transactional data. The SMB is the billing app and common platform for the supplier/service provider and the customers of the supplier /service provider. Even regular monthly billers like Co-op Housing Societies (to collect Monthly Maintenance) and Coaching / Hobby Classes (for collecting monthly fees from the students/parents) can use the SMB. The ultimate purpose of the SMB is to bring transparency between the relationship of suppliers/service providers and their customers by acting as a common record-keeping, billing, and reconciliation platform for the supplied items or for the provided services during each billing cycle. Using Show My Bills App both the service providers and customers can enjoy a hassle-free monthly billing and record-keeping experience.

Here are some features of the Show My Bills App
Magical Monthly Billing App
Transparent day-to-day Record Keeping
The billing app supports a quick and secured UPI integrated payment portal.
Easy coordination between Service Providers and Customers
A simple classification of customers in groups.
Notification broadcast function.
Automated distribution charts.
Multiple format access of billing and transactional records.
Quick and easy calendar updates.

What is SMB App?
SMB is a monthly billing app for businesses that provide services to customers for a month, against the already received advance or generates bills at the end of the month. The billing app supported businesses include: Milk Supply Business, Laundry Business, Newspaper Distribution Business, Tiffin Services, Hobby/Coaching Classes, and Society Maintenance

How does it work?
Through the SMB billing app, the Service Providers connect with their Customers or vice versa. In case, a Service Provider is not registered on the SMB platform still the Customers may maintain monthly transaction records and generate a bill for their own assessment.
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