shopp biz APP
In this app, you can do all things related to sales operation management, such as product introduction, pricing and issue invoices. Shopp Biz software is not dependent on any particular hardware and can be installed on an android smartphone or POS. It's easy to work with Shopp Biz app.
All information is stored in cloud computing and the business owner can access the information from any place and time.
Specific features of Shopp Biz software:
• Managing store
• Increasing sales (store information and products are displayed online on mobile app and users can easily purchase from these stores.)
• Store smartization (due to the availability of sales information and users purchasing from Shopp app, it is possible to generate various reports based on numerical analysis and these reports will be available to businesses.)
• Reducing advertising costs (by analyzing the behavior of app users, you will find out what users need, where they live and depending on the user's location and previous purchase, you can offer them what they want and reduce advertising cost.)
• Providing a better business experience on the app, using artificial intelligence algorithms