Shop Manager APP
of your paper works and make your life easier with your smart phone. From this app you can
manage you stores inventory, sales operation, purchase operation and get different kind customized
reports (Sales report, Inventory Report, Current stock, Low stock etc.). As today we all have Smart
phones in our hand, we can utilize it in our day to day business and to manage our shops business.
Why Shop Manager:
Shop Manager is an app for your smart phone which is the best thing about it. You don’t need any
Computer or any servers to maintain. We will manage it for you. All you need to do is run your
business operations. Additional features of these app:
Forget paper, and store everything online.
Send invoices as SMS to your customers
Pay as you go basis subscription
Easy to use
How it works:
You need to registrar with us first. For the registration please visit our website: After the registration you can login to app as owner or salesman and start
using the app.