This Application gives you an experience of Asian brush calligraphy.

Latest Version

Oct 29, 2012
Google Play ID

App APKs

ShoooJi APP

This Application gives you an experience of Asian brush calligraphy.
Undo function is not implemented, because I want you to feel 'ta-dah!' and 'oh-oh!' by your writing result.

How to:
[Clear] Button ... exchange the paper to new one.
[XX pt] List ... change the stroke width.
[Load] Button ... load exemplar image.
[Save] Button ... save your artwork.
[Advanced] Button ... change to Advanced Mode.

[Load] > [Select Exemplar Images]
[Built-in images] ... select in built-in images.
[External images] ... (beta) select images(.jpg,.png) on your device.
[Blank Paper] ... without exemplar image.

[Advanced] > ON
[Dip] Button ... dip the brush to ink (to charge the ink meter at the upper right).
[Seal] Button ... put your seal on the paper (When you tap on this button, a setting dialog is opened. And you drag and drop seal, then you can put it on the paper).

* When you tap the [Dip] Button, you keep tapping and moving, as if you dipped a brush to ink.
* When you rotate your device's screen, the paper view will be cleared.
You'd better lock on the screen rotation.
* Your artworks are saved to DCIM/Camera folder.
The filepath is shown by Toast when you save it.
* [Load]>[External images] shows a dialog for selecting files. It takes a time for loading images to display thumbnails on the file list, when a target folder has many files.
* The seal can put the first letter of the string you edit.

Release Note:
1.5: You can select a folder to save images.
(it need a permission of writing to storage)
A bug fixed (Some devices might be crashed on booting this app.)
1.4.1:You can choose a type of the seal (a red character or a white character).
Menu buttons' design was improved.
A bug fixed (Even if the seal's string is null, you can put a seal on the paper).
1.4: [Seal] Button was added.
[Load]>[External images] was implemented (beta).
A bug fixed (Some devices might be crashed on saving a image file is failed).
An exemplar image "SMILE" was added.
1.3.1: A bug fixed (Some devices might be crashed on booting this app.)
1.3: [Advanced] Button was added.
[Save] confirmation dialog was added.
[32pt] and [48pt] were added to [XX pt] List.
Exemplar images "HOPE" was added.
1.2: [Load] Button was implemented.
Exemplar images "LOVE" and "PEACE" were added.
1.1: [Save] Button was implemented.
1.0: Initial Version.
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