Shining Face APP
It is very effective exercises for the face and the neck. As you know, our muscles lose their tone and we get wrinkles, the nasolabial fold and lose the shape of our face, so the fitness for the face is necessary to fight with premature aging.
Second, the exercises are chosen by a professional esthetician and a founder of online school facelifting Shining Face Tereshchenko Svetlana.
At last these exercises are very simple, they will suit absolutely everyone.
The advantages of Facelifting Shining Face:
1. You will become younger 10-15 years without expensive operations and "beauty injections".
2. Facelifting Shining Face has no side effects.
3. These exercises are very effective for everyone: young girls and middle-aged women.
4. You need only 20 minutes a day, a mirror, clean hands and your desire to be young and beautiful.
About the app Shining Face:
- 7 points, each of which focuses on a specific problem area (neck/chin – lips - cheeks/cheekbones – nose – eyes – forehead)
- the complex Shining Face follows in a strict sequence, so you will never forget the order of the exercises.
- very convenient interface
-the detailed description of the exercises with photos.
This mobile application «The exercises for the face Shining Face» is the key to beauty and youth of your face!