Shaukat Khanum App APP
- Find all Shaukat Khanum locations
- Digital library for cancer awareness and health care
- Up to date news
- Symposium Information
- Donate money from anywhere
Patients can sign up with their MR number and other provided info at the time of registration at the hospital. However, lab reports can still be seen by an invoice number and access code written on the invoice receipt without the need to sign in.
Shaukat Khanum employees can also use the following HIS features,
Physician Menu:
- Vitals Monitoring
- Medicine Administration
- Medicine Prescription
- Follow-up notes
- Note Templates
- Media Notes
- Clinical Reports
- Appointments
- Surgery Schedule
- Surgery Performance
- Surgery Pending Notes
- Pending Consents
Employee Menu:
- Cafe Menu
- Employee Reports
- Leave Application and Approval
- Travel Request and Approval
To make sure it runs smoothly, make sure your device time is synced with standard time.
If you face any issues, please give us your valuable feedback.