ShareLoc APP
Main functions:
- to track, collect and save your devices geographic coordinates in a cloud storage you're able to browse and share after
- to show fitness data like heart rate, session steps, speed, session time elapsed
- to show sattelites status: total sattelites received, sat's used in positioning, different constellations
The key ShareLoc benefits are:
- careful attitude to the battery consumption issues which is usually headache while mobile tracking
- ability to cache trackpoints when there is no connectivity at all, points are cached and will be sent out later when the connectivity restores
- ease of use for those who is not, lets say, very it-aware person, but whom we want to follow and to track sometimes: oldies, children, pets, cars, and so on
How to track:
Install mobile or watch application
Start it
Enter your e-mail
Press start button
How to watch tracks (Mobile & Watch app)
Open app
Use menu "Tracks" (swipe left 3 times in watch app)
How to watch tracks (web):
Open your mailbox
Check for the password inside
Go to selfportal at
Login and fun
Read this to make sure you avoid difficulties: