Shalawat Nabi & Rasul APP
Bershalawat to Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam is the advice that is directly instructed by our Prophet Muhammad Shallallaahu' alaihi wasallam. Even Allah. The Creator and his angels were bersholawat him, as stated in the words of Allah the following:
"Allah and His angels bershalawat to the Prophet. O ye who believe, bershalawatlah you to honor the Prophet and say hello to him." (QS. 33:56)
To this end we iMajlis Mobile team, as developers create applications based on Islamic content simple application entitled "Shalawat Prophet and Apostle" to allow you to memorize the wording sholawat and daily dhikr commonly circulating in the community. As to the content of blessings content is as follows:
1. Shalawat Ibrahimiyyah
2. Shalawat Nariyyah
3. Shalawat Munjiyyat
4. Shalawat Ummi
5. Shalawat Imam Syafii
6. Shalawat Ulul Azmi
7. segue Mecca and Medina
8. segue Imam Al Ghazali
9. Shalawat Ta'zhimul Qiyam
and other blessings.
We hope this application useful for you all. If colleagues have input, feedback, and suggestions can be sent via our email address in