Shalawat Nabi Audio MP3 High Quality Online and Offline

Latest Version

Jul 19, 2020
Google Play ID

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Shalawat Nabi Lengkap APP

Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings

This app contains the most complete Prophet Sholawat which can be played offline, but it is also available online and Super Complete sholawat videos and Islamic songs. By multiplying sholawat and listening to Sholawat Prophet Muhammad SAW hopefully get intercede in Yaumul Kiyamah. Aamiin

The shalawat in this application include:

1. Offline Selected Shalawat

2. Sholawat Cinta Rasul
- Cinta Rasul Volume 1
- Cinta Rasul Volume 2
- Cinta Rasul Volume 3
- Cinta Rasul Volume 4
- Cinta Rasul Volume 5
- Cinta Rasul Volume 6
- Cinta Rasul Volume 7

3. Shalawat Sulis
- Single - Dzikir Anak
- The Best of Sulis album
- Orchestra
- Ya Allah

4. Shalawat Haddad Alwi
- 12 Lagu Pilihan
- Muhammad Nabiku's album
- The Way of Love
- Jalan Cinta
- Ziarah Rasul

5. Sholawat Habib Syech Bin Abdul Qodir Assegaf

6. Sholawat Veve Zulfikar Online

7. Sholawat Gus Azmi

8. Sholawat Wafiq Azizah

9. Sholawat Ceng Zamzam

also enjoy the various Islamic stories in this application, among others.
- The story of 25 Prophets and Apostles
- The story of Rasulullah SAW
- The story of the Companions of the Prophet
- The Stories and Stories of Islamic Wisdom
- Asmaul Husna
- Daily Muslim Prayer
- The Muslim Pearl word

The advantages of this application include:
- Can be shared to family, relatives, friends, friends and others
- Can be played in the background, mp3 audio still running even when the screen is off
- offline apps, in addition there are some online to save quotas
- easy to use
- can be set as ringtones, alarms, alerts and more

Thank you for using our application, if you have complaints, suggestions, criticism, error report, and request can contact the application developer at email

Hopefully this application can get closer to Allah SWT and make ourselves a pious person. Aamin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran.
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