SGS Gita Tutor APP
App features:
1. Listen to the tutor and follow along with the script
2. Two modes - Tutorial (with student repeating after tutor) and Non-Tutorial (just the tutor)
3. Select any of the 18 Chapters and the Dhyana Shlokas
4. Variable audio speed (Two speeds - normal and double speeds)
5. Script in multiple languages (Sanskrit, English, Kannada, Telugu )
6. Play/Repeat selected range of shlokas or whole Chapter
7. Download Chapter audio once and play them offline on your device
8. Change the text size using the zoom in/out feature
9. Click on any shloka to begin playing audio from that shloka
10. Shloka word's highlighted in sync with audio playback in non tutorial mode
Gita Mahayagna program trains thousands of students across the globe to chant Bhagavad Gita with authentic pronunciation and authoritative memorization. This program has been initiated per the vision and blessings of Parama Pujya Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji of Avadhoota Datta Peetham, Mysuru. More details about the Gita Mahayagna program and Pujya Sri Swamiji can be found at