App to present smartphone screen to web browser and Sentuh SPres Host device

Latest Version

Feb 21, 2021
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Sentuh Spres Mirror APP

App to present smartphone screen to web browser and Sentuh SPRES Host device.

This Sentuh SPres Mirror app can be used to:

1. Present your smartphone screen to any device with web browser
2. Present your smartphone screen to Sentuh SPres Host device

How to present smartphone screen to web browser device?

1. Connect smartphone to WiFi Access Point
2. Run Sentuh SPres Mirror app
3. The URL or the IP address should be displayed on the screen, for example, other wise the app will not work.
4. Press "Start Stream" button or "Live button"
5. QRCode scanner screen will appear
6. Just click Back button to exit from QRCode scanner
7. Now the smartphone is broadcasting the screen
8. Connect your web browser device to the same WiFi Access Point
9. Open web browser, and type URL, for example:
10. The smartphone screen will be presented in web browser.
11. If web browser show only blanks screen, please click option menu on the top right of the screen app, and choose Setting, then click Disable MJPEG check option (unchec and then check it again)
12. Now you can make presentation from your smartphone!

How to present smartphone screen to Sentuh SPres Host device?

1. Connect smartphone to WiFi Access Point
2. Run Sentuh SPres Mirror app
3. The URL or the IP address should be displayed on the screen, for example, other wise the app will not work.
4.Connect Sentuh SPres Host device to the same WiFi Access Point
5. Click Mirror button inside Sentuh SPres Host app
6. Make sure the QRCode appear
4. Press "Start Stream" button or "Live button" on Sentuh SPres Mirror app
5. Now the smartphone is broadcasting the screen
6. QRCode scanner screen will appear
7. Point the QRCode scanner of Sentuh SPres Mirror to the QRCode of the Sentuh SPres Host
10. The smartphone screen automatically will be presented on Sentuh SPres Host device screen
11. Now you can make presentation from your smartphone.

Enjoy Sentuh SPres Mirror app for yur best presentation!
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