SellerAmp - SAS APP
Can you sell it?
- Are you eligible to sell the product
- Is it Hazmat
- Is it Private Label
- Any known IP issues
- Are there variations
- Is it meltable
…and more
Does it sell?
- Current and historic BSR (Sales Rank) averages
- Estimated sales
- Competing offers, prices and stock levels
- Interactive price and BSR history charts driven from Keepa data
Is it profitable?
- Profit calculator factoring all Amazon fees and your costs
- Instantly calculate ROI, profit, profit margin, break even sale price, etc.
- See the maximum cost to meet your ROI and profit criteria
SAS also provides powerful tools to help you find and organize your analysis:
- History of all products you analyze
- Storefront Search: see products of any Amazon storefront
- Export data to Google sheets
- Variations viewer
- Integrations with sourcing and business management tools
- Notes and tags to organize your sourcing
SellerAmp SAS supports the following Amazon marketplaces: US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
SellerAmp SAS subscription required.