SELIB is a Mobile App simplifying School Library operations

Latest Version

Mar 9, 2021


SELIB simplifies School Library process helping Librarian, Teachers and students.

For Students this app will help:
1) Students can search the availability of a book in the app. This will help reducing the time
consumed in book borrowing process.
2) Students can keep track of the books borrowed by them and their due dates
3) Using the app, at any time students can renew the loaned books.
4) Student can also check overdue fine charges

For Librarians this app will help:
1) Librarian can easily search book availability.
2) Automate book issuing
3) Ease tracking of books on loan, overdue charges
4) Check Individual Students' loaned book info.
5. Update Book Database record.

For Teachers this app will help:
1) Teachers can easily search book availability.
2) Track their loaned books info.
3) Check students' loaned book info.

Since the app is still under development , for the access to create Librarian account, please write us at

You are requested to kindly go through the ‘Terms and Conditions’ and in case of any disagreement re-consider your use of the app.
Your further use of the app will be construed as your express acceptance of the ‘Terms & Conditions’ and you will be strictly bound by the same.
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