Seismic LiveSocial APP
We use advanced AI to discover the most relevant articles and enable you to schedule them to your social media networks in one touch. Spend only 5 minutes to schedule an entire week’s worth of posts.
Want to get your organization on board? Send us an email at to learn more about Seismic LiveSocial for Enterprise and its additional features that allow your sales force to start valuable conversations.
One-touch sharing and scheduling
Curated content from 11,000+ sources with millions of articles
Automatic Scheduling Optimization
Powerful reporting to track your audience’s engagement
AI-Suggested Comment Starters
Hear what other LiveSocial clients had to say about us:
"Seismic LiveSocial is an enjoyable and easy-to-use tool for finding good content to publish and build your personal brand. We have seen significant improvements in our social selling metrics thanks to LiveSocial. These improvements have resulted in financial gains as well!" - Phil Lurie, VP Sales Technology, SAP