ScreenMeet Support APP
Screen Meet Support allows support technicians to troubleshoot a problem you are having on your Android device. To use this application you must be receiving support from a technician who is using ScreenMeet Support and will provide you a Session code to start the session.
Technicians have the ability to see your screen and to use a laser pointer to indicate where you should tap. You can show them your Android device, settings, apps and camera. You can also draw on the screen to highlight issues you need help with.
For more information or for a free trial of ScreenMeet Support visit our website:
How to use:
1) Download the App
2) Tap Open
3) Enter the Session Code given to you by your support technician
Share your Apps and Phone with a remote customer support agent in just a few taps. Share video from your camera. You are always in control of the session.
ScreenMeet for Support helps you get problems resolved with Apps, with your device and with consumer electronic products.
NOTE: The Accessibility API is used to provide the ability for the authorized remote agent to assist the end-user by using ScreenMeet's remote control feature. If the remote agent requests this feature, you will be prompted to allow Accessibility permissions to the ScreenMeet Support app.