Scots Dictionary for Schools APP
The Scots Dictionary for Schools is a free and friendly dictionary for use in the classroom or at home. Compiled by Dictionaries of the Scots Language SCIO, the nation’s authority on Scots, the Scots Dictionary for Schools provides meanings in English for around 9,500 Scots words and phrases. It also includes audio guides for around 600 words so you can hear their pronunciation as well.
New to this update is a random word generator to help you discover new words you might find interesting or useful.
The favourites feature lets you build up a bank of words to read or practice at your leisure.
A helpful map explains regional labels used to identify words, spellings and meanings used only or mainly in certain parts of Scotland.
The Scots Dictionary for Schools is an ideal reference app for:
• Everyone aged 8 to 18 who speaks, reads, or writes Scots – or would like to do so
• Everyone studying Scots as a modern language
• Everyone studying for an SQA Award in Scots Language
• Everyone teaching Scots at primary or secondary level