Scorched Combat GAME
-Play online from anywhere in the world!!
-Unlimited number of players for Wi-Fi network play, with optional Computer opponents mixed into the fray.
-Varied, expansive terrains for large-scale battles.
-Over 20 different and carefully balanced weapons and gadgets.
-Backwards compatibility for some of the oldest and most ancient Android devices.
-Fast-paced, interactive and a very addictive game.
-Up to 8 human and/or Computer players in Hot-Seat mode.
-Save your games when you need and resume later (even multi-player)
And many more..
For questions, information, suggestions, criticism, permissions explanation and everything else: (no need to register or anything)
Scorched Combat is a community-influenced game so you might have a part in the outcome.
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How to play Scorched Combat:
The game is turn-based, where each player controls his own artillery tank on a 2D battlefield. By rotating the tank's turret, selecting the correct force and weapon your goal is to damage your enemies until they run out of health and die. However beware, as the weapons may be used in many ways to create many interesting scenarios and only your planning and skill will be able to grant you victory.
At the end of each round the players may purchase items with money earned from the performance in the game.