You can use this android application to easily get the instant patient results on your phone.
*Connects the Scintiglo PoC device to your phone (This app helps to connect the Scintiglo PoC device to your phone with the help of bluetooth)
*Provide instant results (By connecting the Scintiglo PoC device to your phone, you can get instant patients results on your phone)
*Medical history reports (It saves all the test results conducted on a Scintiglo PoC device)
*Smart search for available Scintiglo devices (It shows you all the available Scintiglo PoC devices to connect easily)
*Availability of “buy” option (One can easily buy Scintiglo PoC device from the main site directly)
*Export medical data to pdf & excel sheet (It can easily covert the test results into a pdf & csv form)
*Share reports (This app provides the transferability of test results by sharing it through different apps)
*Print reports (This app can be easily linked to a printer and thus provide printed reports)
*Provides “help” (If you run into any issues, just press help an it will take you to our main site)
*It could be considered as medical management, medical records tracker app as doctors or technicians can use it to store their medical information and get instantaneous results.