Scan Halal APP
We handle the complicated stuff, so you don't have to. Simply scan the barcode (UPC/EAN) of the product you wish to consume and within seconds our app will breakdown the sources of ingredients (plant, animal, synthetic, etc) and display the halal status. Our app service is trusted by millions of muslims and other halal consumers who rely upon Scan Halal everyday.
Made by the team at There’s lots of work that goes on behind the scenes, working around the clock at Scan Halal to make sure things are running smoothly. Our team of food technologists, nutritionist, and auditors have a strong understanding in food matters and a wealth of industry experience that work endlessly to serve both the Muslim community and Halal Certification Industry.
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This app currently supports U.S.A & Canada Products.
U.K, France, & Germany release coming soon!