SAPPe information application

Latest Version

Nov 28, 2023

App APKs


The information of the Autonomous Penitentiary Police Syndicate is now available on Android.
The application is intended for all those who wish to receive information on the Italian penitentiary world and on the Penitentiary Police in particular.
Everyone will have access to the latest news and all the insights of the S.A.P.Pe. dynamically reading our magazine and accessing our sites.
In addition, the more than 9,000 members of the Union will be able to read the articles in the monthly magazine 'Penitentiary Police, Justice and Security Society' with the opportunity to view the historical archive.

Install the app and select the type of user you want to access:

Generic user (Not registered to SAPPe):
- browse the monthly magazine Police Penitentiary Society of Justice and Security;
- access to information sites;

User registered in the SAPPe union:
- browse the monthly magazine Police Penitentiary Society of Justice and Security;
- access to SAPPe sites;
-historical of the magazine.

Delegated user:
- browse the monthly magazine Police Penitentiary Society of Justice and Security;
- access to information sites;
- other information.
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