Sapelli AÏNA APP
In addition to the dematerialization of the proof of life, you can use your mobile account to take advantage of the functionalities for consulting and monitoring your situation: history of renewals, updating of contact details, etc.
The "Sapelli AÏNA" application offers you a multitude of functions:
- Life certificate: allows you, thanks to facial recognition, to certify your life during a proof of life campaign through a Selfie.
- Renewal: allows you, thanks to facial recognition and archiving, to attest to your life and to deposit the documents of maintenance of right digitally annually through a Selfie.
- Renewal receipt: offers you the possibility to download your receipt.
- Modification of contact details: allows you to update your profile by modifying your contact details (address or e-mail address or telephone).
- Geolocation of Agencies: allows you to locate all CNPS agencies throughout CAMEROON.