Indian healing system, information-based homeopathy

Latest Version

Aug 5, 2024
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Sanjeevini APP

Wishing you a joyous journey to discover the treasures of healing, health, peace and happiness that lie within us.
Find out more detail about Sanjeevini and application combinations, workshops and working groups on the Internet. Our app has been made for the Sanjeevini- Users around the planet to simplify the use of the symbols and encourage to use the healing fragrances more often in daily life.

The APP invites for experimentation and encourages to take on personal responsibility for body, soul and mind and wellbeing. See a selection of Sanjeevini symbols, which you can access in alphabetical lists or in bps and dsNumbers. The extended functions (2,99 EUR) enable you to create and run 10 personal selections with up to 50 symbols.
You can also define 9 own Joker that you can fill with your text and use it in your rows.

CHITAO - Apps don't have any commercial lines !

Operating Notes

Use the phone as possible in the "Airplane Mode" in order to exclude interfering frequencies. From the list of Sanjeevini, which you can access in sorted alphabetically or by numbers, you choose symbols intuitively . Focus yourself and pray for spiritual healing. Your intention is important.Transmit the prayer-symbol with the mobile screen directly or indirectly to an object such as a glass of water, globules , healing stones or whatever (approx. 15 sec. per symbol) The Gayatri Mantra can be played automatically on demand until the run is finished.

LONG CLICK on selection "- button for some seconds) empties your pesonal list

The most common 3 icons Neutralise, full body and Empty Lotus can be selected directly with an own button.

About Sanjeevinis

Sanathana Sai Sanjeevini is not scientifically prooved healing system that was developed in India in 1994 by Mrs. Poonam Nagpal under the spiritual guidance and direction of Sai Baba. A prayer for healing is expressed through the Lotus symbol with 9 petals and the special code and written words.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhvanthu
May all beings be happy in all worlds.

By using the application the user agrees with the following disclaimer:
Use is at your own risk.The app doesNOTreplace any medical treatment or medical diagnosis. The app does not give any health improvements, nor healing promises. The author. The author assumes no responsibility for any consequences of its use. You should contact a doctor or pharmacist for medical advise. If one or more items of this disclaimer be legally invalid, the other points remain untouched in their legality.
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