Sanayi Gazetesi APP
Industry Newspaper, which has managed to become the voice of the producing community as it progresses to its 13th year, is the number one publication of industry stakeholders. Industry Newspaper, which started its broadcasting life on February 8, 2010 and is the primary news source for everyone who passes through the industry, is in front of its readers with its print, page quality and rich content. Industry Newspaper, which continues to exist in the digital world as well as in the printed format, at, creates added value in publishing with its offices in Ankara and Istanbul, the two mega cities of the industry.
Organized industrial zones, technology development zones, free zones, industrial zones, industrial zones, SMEs, R&D and design centers, technology transfer offices, incubation industry organizations, holdings, chambers and stock exchanges, ministries, incentive instruments, superior institutions, Industry Newspaper, which is transmitted to umbrella institutions, TÜBİTAK, KOSGEB, associations, foundations and non-governmental organizations and reaches all structures where the industry is mentioned, is a national publication. Industry Newspaper, which is distributed by cargo to all over Turkey from Edirne to Kars, from Hatay to Sinop, confidently climbs to the top in its field with hundreds of subscribers in its portfolio.
Sanayi newspaper, which is printed and distributed in Istanbul; also Parliament, Ministry of Industry and Technology, Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Presidency of Defense Industry (SSB), OSB Supreme Organization (OSBÜK), Technology Development Zones Association (TGBD), SEDEC It is also followed by Ankara Development Agency and sectoral clusters.
In the Industry Newspaper, which includes interviews, interviews, news series, columns and analysis (file) news in its rich content, all issues that interest readers and stakeholders are discussed in detail. Industry Newspaper, which keeps its readers informed about industrial developments with its agenda on key concepts such as production, investment, incentives, industry, exports, innovation and R&D; Industry and R&D, especially in machinery, metal, electricity, electronics, software, computer, defense, industrial design, biotechnology, energy, medical, automotive, packaging, purification, logistics, food, nanotechnology, forest products sectors. shares current developments in all sectors with its readers; It also supports the moves that put bricks on advanced technology with its publications.
Industry Newspaper, which evaluates big industrial cities and promising sectors within the scope of Thematic Publishing; With its regional and sectoral thematic numbers, it manages to keep the pulse of different layers of the industry community.