Saloon APP
1. Salon App Design - Now people can search for various beauty or salon services online where they can see various listings for different kind of services with the app. We develop apps like Syplo that help the hairstylists grow their presence in the market and build a consumer base. The app for hair salon appointments is a greater way for salons to manage their business and appointments. The salon app builders know everything about the needs and requirements of a hairstylist or a salon.
2. Booking Calendar – Manage the booking calendar and see upcoming appointments.
3. Interactive Design - We make app attractive and interactive so that users are impressed with the layout.
4. Payment Integration - We make payment integration of various methods like Cards, Net Banking, E-wallets etc.
5. Service Filters - Various set of options in the filter to choose.
6. Profile - Create a new profile as either consumer or company/freelancer. And users can switch any time.
7. Locations & Map Integration - Users can search for location wise results and can accept the location they choose.