Sakhi Dairy APP
Sakhi company was incorporated on 19th March 2016 with registered name Sakhi Mahila Milk Producer Company Limited with aim of bringing about
a socio economic change through animal husbandry. Sakhi Dairy is a well recognized brand in whole Rajasthan.
To carry on the business of pooling, purchasing, processing of milk supplied by the Members, marketing of the same and to deal in allied activities.
To provide or arrange to provide technical and managerial services in the areas of breeding, feed/ fodder, veterinary services to increase milk production for the benefit of the Members.
To provide education, training and other activities to promote mutual assistance amongst the members.
To arrange to procure quality milk from the Members that meets the standards laid down by the Company and the statutory authorities.
App Features:
Order management
Schedule your Order
Recharge wallet and Pay
View All bills
Where to Deliver