Sai Baba Answers APP
Whenever devotees need me i always make them feel my presence somehow. But sometimes when their wishes don't take place as per their time. They start blaming and cursing and lose patience and faith on sai baba. and forget that it's their karma which is giving them pain but baba is taking their pain on himself. Devotees can't see with eyes that's why they don't realize but when we truly love baba we can feel how curiously baba also wants us to get free from our sufferings.
If you want to feel his miracles keep patience because patience is the key reach your desired goal and faith will help you achieve impossible things in life.
Whatever baba will answer you here. It will surely happen and take place in your life if you will keep faith and patience.
Here baba is going to guide you for all life decisions. Always ask sai baba answers here before making any decisions in life and act accordingly answers given here then you will surely see wonders happening in your life.