Follow the order of your website in search engines

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Moradam Row Finder Panel application allows you to keep track of the Google locations of your website daily.

Moradam SEO agency in this mobile application at the same time if you want to take the SEO package to increase your website's Google rank, you can also use a free way to find queue and site analysis services.

You can manage your internet site's Google work better by downloading the moradam row finder panel application

Payment Features:

Start SEO:
Moradam, the pay-as-you-start package, sends an average of 25 backlinks per day to your website. In this way, you'll enter the top 100 on Google's top 100 keywords. Your top 100 keywords increase. For more information, please visit

Site Optimization:
300TL / 800TL / 1200TL is divided into 3 in-Site SEO packages in your website internal SEO and acceleration work is done. For more information, please visit: and at

Comprehensive SEO:
Our extensive SEO work is our in-site and off-site SEO package. With our comprehensive SEO work, we work on the keywords you want worldwide. For more information, please visit
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