Rubber Wiki APP
GPSNR Rubber Wiki, a digital platform specially designed for rubber producers to manage sustainable natural rubber farming. From land management to access e-training materials, as well as checking rubber prices and daily weather updates, discover comprehensive information about natural rubber and its management for rubber producers.
Rubber Wiki will be your primary source for all things related to natural rubber.
About GPSNR:
Introducing Rubber Wiki by GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber), an international organization composed of various stakeholders, with a mission to lead improvements in the socio-economic and environmental performance of the natural rubber value chain.
With Rubber Wiki, rubber producers can access high quality information on best practices for sustainable rubber farming, Good Agricultural Practices, andreal-time market conditions for natural rubber.. Get the latest information on natural rubber to boost rubber producers’ yields and profitability. At GPSNR, we bring together companies, smallholders, academia, and communities to develop the natural rubber supply chain, making it sustainable and fair.
So, what are you waiting for?
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#Natural Rubber, #Smallholders, #Agriculture, #Sustainability, #Good Agricultural Practices, #Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber, #GPSNR, #Sustainable Natural Rubber, #Rubber Wiki, #Sustainable Management, #Rubber prices, #Rubber Diseases, #Rubber clones, #Natural Rubber Tapping's