Rostic's: Food Delivery APP
- Save with Rostic's.
- Be the first to know about new products, special offers and discounts. In the app you will find all the current coupons available for self-pickup or ordering at restaurants.
- Select a coupon in the app or just say the coupon number to the cashier at the checkout.
- If you are not happy with the dish, we will replace it by the new one without any checking. We guarantee your satisfaction!
Actual menu:
- A full list of dishes to order for home delivery or pickup in a restaurant.
- Learn calorific value, dish composition, or just add more ingredients to your order - cheese, bacon and jalapenos.
- We are constantly expanding the list of cities for home delivery.
- If there is no Rostic's home delivery in your city you can use Delivery Aggregator.
- Find out the address of the nearest Rostic's restaurant and its operational hours.
- For your convenience, you can sort the restaurants using the following options: drive-through, self-pickup, 24-hour work, breakfast and free Wi-Fi.
Register and join the Chicken Club! Order dishes in the app, accumulate points and exchange them for dishes for 1 ruble.