Rosary Church School is an unaided Minority Christian School.

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Feb 1, 2022

Rosary Church School APP

Rosary Church School,Church Compound,Radio Colony, Kingsway Camp, Delhi-9 is owned and managed by the Delhi Catholic Archdiocese, a religious, charitable, educational and social organization (Society) registered under the Societies Registration Act. This society undertakes program and projects and establishes Institutions for the development of the WHOLE PERSON and for the promotion of justice and equality. Since education of children and youth is crucial to integral development, the Society establishes and administers educational institutions.

Rosary Church School is an unaided Minority Christian School.

Being a Catholic Institution, Rosary Church School caters not only to the intellectual and physical development of children but also to the formation of character by inculcating sound moral and spiritual values, so that they grow up as children of God and responsible citizens of our country, To achieve these objectives, we have a well trained and experienced staff who take great pains in inculcating necessary wilt and spirit and thus, laying the foundation of the process of learning.
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