collection of rooster sounds in high quality.

Latest Version

Dec 27, 2024

App APKs

rooster sounds APP

This application containing the best collection of rooster sounds for android devices. Sounds have been selected very carefully to be a good and fun user experience, we hope you will enjoy using the app and listening to rooster sounds.

While a rooster crowing in the morning might sound like nothing but a noisy sunrise alarm to us, he's busy delivering important information to members of his own species. A rooster always is on the lookout for danger. If he spots anything that he thinks might be dangerous to his flock, like a hawk or a hungry coyote, he lets out a high-pitched warning call. This call tells the hens, chicks and younger roosters to head to a safe place. A rooster may use vocal communications to call his hens to him, but he uses a dance to encourage them to mate with him.
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